Monday, May 14, 2007

James Jamerson

The Greatset Bass Player to Ever Live! Watch behind Marvin to see James.

Shop for the Perfect Gift

The Bass Clef T-shirts and Art Prints

Bass Clef Series T-shirts

American Bass Clef T-shirt
Union Jack Bass Clef T-shirt
Dragon Fire Bass Clef T-shirt


Hi, Robert here.

This blog is for the purpose of advertising bass related sites and for link exchange programs between those sites. My site ( ) is the main one I will talk about here. Updates and coupon information will be available here as well as any special deals.

It's All About Playing The Bass. The Low End Is Where We Live, And We Want The World To Know It! These t-shirts are a great way to express that. From the original Bass Clef Series, to the Neon Bass Player (No. 1 Seller), or just the general music category, any would help to express the fact that Bass Players Rule.

Every other day or so, I will feature a design on this blog. If there are any out there that want the design customized, just let me know.

todays Feature, is the Neon Bass Player.

The Bass Clef

Lots of people think that this is Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but it is actually me playing my bass.

Click on the picture of the shirt to be directed to my site. Coupns are available HERE.